第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2019-12-27 17:09 围观1396次


  Beautiful campus, strong faculty and distinctive curriculum seem to be synonymous with Teensen. If you think the school has only these, then you are very wrong. In high schools abroad, we often see students participate in various club activities. In Teensen, you can not only swim in the ocean of knowledge, but also play in colorful association classes!


  In order to enrich students' extra-curricular life, Teensen opened a total of 12 student associations this semester. Students can show their talents and improve themselves in different associations! Let’s take a look to see what associations there are.



  Free sparring, also known as international kickboxing and European and American full-contact free karate, was originated in Europe and the United States in the 1960s, with the United States as its main origin and development center. It is a Western freestyle full-contact free-hand offensive and defensive combat technique without set patterns and  sects, emphasizing individual style and focusing on winning the battle. In order to be able to cultivate the spirit of the time of "Emulative, Responsible and Brave", to stimulate the passion of the students and to improve their confidence and energy in future study and life, Teensen opened the free sparring association for the first time in the semester.



  "Do you want to show your skills at the annual conference and surprise others?" The opening of the dancing association aims to allow students to improve their ability to understand art through the activities, express themselves boldly and confidently and cultivate their taste through the bridge of dance.



  The basketball association is one of the traditional associations in Teensen. "We are a group of teenagers who love basketball. Maybe you think basketball is just a sport, but we take it as air. This is the meaning of basketball and it is our life." Basketball has a magic power to this group of teenagers. After dribbling and shooting, you can hear the most beautiful sound when the ball enters the net. Sometimes you don’t even know how the ball enters. On the basketball court, you don't need to be others and you can be yourself.



  Whether you love watching anime but can’t understand the subtitles? Whether you want to make sushi but are afraid of lacking chance? Whether you love anime dubbing but can't find a like-minded friend? Come to the Japanese association!



  The football association is also one of the first associations opened by Teensen this semester. As a communication platform for school football fans, it serves them and gathers a group of students who love football. Here you can enjoy football, meet friends, exchange ball skills and promote friendship.



  Table tennis as the national ball prevails in China. It is easy to play Ping-pong and the main focus of it is on flexibility. Everyone can try it because it doesn’t require great physical exertion and barely cause injury. In the table tennis association, we can not only exercise superb ball skills, but also cultivate friendliness, responsibility, communication ability, team spirit and management ability.



  English speech and debate comprehensively trains a person's emotional intelligence, logic, emotion, reason, social interaction and so on. In foreign universities, doing presentations is a common thing, and participating in various classroom discussions is inevitable. To this end, the school specially opened English speech and debate association, striving to create an environment for oral English learning for students, exercise students' oral English and lay a solid foundation for future learning.



  Many stages in life offer opportunities to perform your own unique tone. The music association in Teensen is such a place where you can weave your wings of music and fly to the sky that belongs to you. Here, a plenty of music-loving people forms a group to manage and entertain themselves, quietly appreciating the charm of music in their own music world.



  The charm of photography lies in pressing the shutter and recording the moving moment. A lot of beauty does not need too many graceful movements to interpret, but just one picture is needed to record each eternal moment. The photojournalism association aims to allow each member to use their eyes, professional knowledge and the tools at hand to observe and record the fleeting beauty around them.



  The Model United Nations, referred to as the MUN, is an academic simulation of the UN General Assembly and other multilateral institutions and also a civic education event organized for young people. During the event, young students act as diplomatic representatives of different countries or other political entities and participate in conferences around hot international issues. In MUN, students can familiarize themselves with the operations of multilateral deliberative bodies including the United Nations, basic international relations and diplomatic knowledge, understand the impact of major events in the world on their future, and know their role in the future.



  "As long as you want to fly, we can lead you to fly infinitely." The badminton association is created and managed by students, which aims to train students' reaction ability and cultivate team spirit. The badminton flying in the air and the lively figures of students have become a beautiful scenery in Teensen.



  Brisk walking is one of the fast and safe aerobic exercises. It can generate a lot of endogenous oxygen for heart and cerebral vessels, and at the same time the muscle contraction exercise throughout the body can improve the sensitivity, flexibility and strength of muscles.


  After a week of intensive study, the students slow down, appreciate the beautiful scenery while walking and talk to each other with great interest, which fully demonstrates the positive, optimistic and healthy spirit.


  No association, no youth! Teensen not only teaches you knowledge, but also teaches you how to love life.

  撰写:Karen     周书游

  编辑:Mary      徐文轩

  翻译:Shmily    邓   莹

  朗读:Mia         闵熙若

  Lucas      高旭东

  主编:Jane       肖    依

  总编:Gary       高   陆


来源:北国网 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿


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