第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2020-03-31 11:06 围观968次




  She always has a love-hate attitude towards us in class. "Love" is that we are a group of little babies that she sees every day. If she's not closest to us, who is?



  Our class students always love to call her "beauty", there are a few students called her "YiQiong sister". She is definitely worthy of these titles, always in front of us a deputy high cold appearance, the class is also regular, not how to joke. At first, the students in our class were still a group of "good babies" in the English class. Later, some people felt that the more formal the class was, the more they wanted to get into trouble. So Stella's "hate" for us is that we're all bothering her too much. Every time Stella looks helpless in class, we can guess what she is thinking: "what should I do with all these children who worry me?"


  In class, Stella inculcated all the knowledge to us. The key points and fallible points of each Grammar were often stressed repeatedly. She never let go of even those "minority" mistakes, and still explained to us and sorted out the process carefully. In addition to teaching us methods and skills in Reading and Listening, she often does exercises with us in class. Listen so carefully that every word is brushed until everyone hears it.  Reading practice is also a mixture of common sense and "plot" to analyze. And that's where the boring lecture gets interesting.


  Speaking and Writing, she also took each student's work seriously.  In class, she would randomly present the students' Writing in the PPT, and then make comments with all of them, giving Suggestions and giving guidance. Speaking is now a necessary part of every class. Every day, she selects 3 or 4 students to give speeches in class, and then asks another 3 or 4 students to give comments. Finally, she gives comprehensive comments. In this way, it not only tests the students' Speaking, but also their Listening. Even our head teacher " Maywonther" often laments that we have such a good English teacher.


  "yiqiong sister" the surface looks like indifferent, but in fact she is ruthless. As her "close-fitting" class representative Jessica, often helped her out of the crooked recruit rectification of those "ignorant" people. For example, grammar homework re-copying sentences, writing translation, dictation, direct hard of hearing and other punishment measures called "heartless". Even in today's online classes, these methods are more than enough to deal with us. Requirements to do will obediently open the camera to play "truth or dare", online PK song skills...... When she laughed with us, she was not the same as she was in class. After class, she was very "little girl". She would grin at us with her big white teeth.


  In private, she occasionally enjoys reading books, listening to music or watching American TV series. At the same time is also an excellent "emoji family." Every time we chat with her, we will be accompanied by a wave of fresh memes, and we are always happy to receive pictures. Despite her daily "mutual antipathy" with us, there are still some things we can tell her, such as difficulties in study or some unpleasant things in life. She will listen to us patiently and give us some advice. It was a bit of an ‘agony aunt’. She is also an excellent "punk health" girl, belongs to the type of "making tea" after staying up late at night. We have to thank her for popularizing the word. As a post-90s "aunt". However, she always likes to mock those of us born in the 2000s for not knowing the "word of the year", even though she is an "old aunt" born in the 1990s.

  隔壁班不少同学说:“为什么我从来没看见过你们Stella老师笑啊,她好高冷的样子。” 当然咯,她也就只是外表高冷,在她最爱的我们这里还是瞬间变成可爱小姑娘啦。

  Many students in the next class said, "why do I never see you Stella laughing? She looks so aloof." Of course, she just looks cold, in front of her favorite us is a lovely girl.


  撰写:Irene        巫倩宇

  Jessica    吴子欣

  编辑:Wendy     贾西贝

  翻译:Roxy        黄昱榕

  朗读:Cathy       乐开心

  Jessica    吴子欣

  主编:Jane           肖    依

  总编:Gary         高    陆


来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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