第七届图书馆 体育教师课题研修班

引他山之石 攻学教之玉 ——天行一中经济学科Birkdale学习心得

教育装备采购网 2020-03-06 15:54 围观816次


  Yesterday we launched the " Teenseners Continuous Learning Series Chapter five——Centennial School Exploration" brought by the Birkdale Study Group. During the month of studying in Birkdale School, they were full of ideas and deeply impressed. As Teenseners, we deeply agree that "A small thing becomes a great thing through a group of people's responsible, enthusiastic, future-minded, and repeated actions." And we continuously put into practice.


  Today, the author of the "Exploration of Economics of Teensen Continuous Learning Series Chapter five " is Sophia, the leader of the Teensen Economic Group. As Sophia walked into the economics classroom in the UK, she felt a deeper sense of responsibility. Through the studying experience, Sophia recognized the advantages of Western teaching methods and found a fusion method that can be applied to Chinese students. She believes that through this teaching method, students will be able to learn economics more comprehensively.


  "Economics is the crown of social science." As an A-Level economics teacher, when I came to Birkdale and entered the economics class in the UK, I felt a deep sense of responsibility.


  A-Level offers economics courses in high schools, mainly to lay the foundation for students' university study life. It is very challenging for high school students to study economics.


  On the one hand, economics is full of basic concept knowledge, and students need to spend a lot of time and energy to memorize these concepts. On the other hand, the knowledge of economics needs to be logically organized and applied, which requires student's logic thinking and comprehensive thinking skills. It can be said that economics is a subject that combines both science and art. However, there are also many benefits to study economics as well. Students can not only gradually form macro-micro analysis of phenomena, but also be able to think more comprehensively. In addition, studying economics can play a vital role in the cultivation of students' financial quotient, intelligence quotient, and emotional quotient.


  Before coming to Birkdale, most teachers thought that only students who want to choose business or economics major need to choose economics. But after coming here, I found a great number of students choose economics because they are interested in this subject, and Birkdale's economics teaching is excellent. In previous years, the score rate of economics was very high, so students are willing to choose economics for high scores. In addition, because most universities in the United Kingdom require students to submit 3 A-Level scores, if there are special requirements for the major, one or two subjects must be selected. The remaining subjects are selected according to the students' wishes. So even students who plan to study astrophysics and pharmacy in the future will also study economics very hard. In addition, there are some students who plan to study business or management major in the future. They also do not choose economics as their majors, which is different from China.



  In the course of teaching economics between China and the West, the emphasis is different. According my research, I found that most western students exhibit two very good qualities: logical analysis and active learning. In the course of the class, the teacher continuously throws questions for students to think. The correlation between these questions is very clear. The layers of these questions are progressive, which allow students to start thinking from the simplest problem and gradually to the hardest problem. Teachers need to explain the most difficult problems to the students, and then supplement the details that the students did not think about before. This kind of training method allows students to gradually get used to the analysis of topics and phenomena, and analyze the most complex theoretical knowledge from the simplest phenomena from different sides. And active learning is the usual state of every student here. Teachers do not have much control over students, so students have a lot of space to think. If students need help, the teacher will be willing to help them, but there is never a situation where teachers think and complete tasks for the students. In this way, many learning methods are explored and acquired by students themselves, and during the learning process, communication between the students can help each other. In the teaching process, the teacher strictly controls the student's learning progress and methods, leaving space for the students to understand that learning is their own business, and teachers are only helpers. After the students' initiative is strengthened, they will be able to restrain their behavior, and lay a foundation for academic achievements.



  In the course of teaching economics in China, it is inevitable that it is difficult to adapt to the situation of Chinese students. But through the study in Birkdale, I realized the advantages of western teaching methods, and also found an inclusive way that can be applied to Chinese students. I believe that through the teaching method, students will be able to learn economics more comprehensively.

  撰写:Sophia      罗佩瑶

  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

  翻译:Michael邱   宇

  朗读:Grace       李   琴

  主编:Jane            肖   依

  总编:Gary          高   陆


来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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