第七届图书馆 体育培训

向“别人家的老师”学习,实践出真知 ——天行一中物理学科Birkdale学习心得

教育装备采购网 2020-03-09 10:33 围观742次


  Experiment would serve as the main purpose of the study. When the idea was determined, we embarked on a study journey to UK. In Birkdale, we observed lots of lessons, and received a lot of information. The most impressive aspects are experiment, discussion and notes.




  I still remember the first lesson, which shocked me greatly and excited me as well. When we finished some lessons, we began to reflect. What is the difference between us? How to combine the advantages of physics in Birkdale and Teensen? It is the focus of the following work. Thus, I started the exploration of how trophy teachers teach and how trophy students learn.


  Usually, it is hard for students to understand the wave in physics, so I wonder how students in Birkdale do it.


  We observed the first lesson, and Birkdale's physics teacher was making a demonstration experiment of S-wave and P-wave then. The basic definition of wave had been taught already, so the key point of the lesson was to verify the principle by experimental equipments. It was beneficial for students to see these experimental phenomena with their eyes and know how the particles vibrate. Then came the demonstration experiment of stationary wave. Through the experiments, students could summarize the characteristics of stationary wave. As the teacher presented the basic concept of stationary wave, students deepened understanding finally with calculation.




  It's hard to explain the physics knowledge, while the students could understand them easily with a small demonstration by teachers in Birkdale. Why?


  It depends on the ability of course design and experiment operation. 



  When the lesson finished, I also solved my puzzlement all along. The reason why some physics knowledge is difficult to understand is that students failed to see the phenomena with their eyes. We didn't build a physical model.



  The physics experiment serves a significant part. It lets students see the experiment phenomena and summarize it.


  In addition to experiments, discussion is also attached great importance in Birkdale, especially after demonstration experiments. Students will be led to their own conclusions. Students will express their opinions in class, even if they are wrong. It can be seen that students in Birkdale are very active in answering questions. Once the teacher raise a question, many students put up their hands and rush to answer it.


  When the experiment, discussion and definition are completed, students are accessible to cognition, understanding and application. A complete closed-loop teaching design tests teaching skills.


  Students in Birkdale take the A2 test, and apply for the university by estimated scores provided by their teachers. So students are required to have good daily performances. Hardly sleepy or dozing in class, they are very focused.



  Years of science course has laid a good foundation and ability for students who are going to study A-level course. And as for us, the top priority of Teensen’s physics group in the following teaching is how to design experiments with abilities of Chinese students so that they could understand the relevant physical knowledge.


  The physics group in Teensen has been developing, and we have been continuously pursuing to let students fall in love with physics and learn physics efficiently. In the future, I am supposed to be in terms of interests of students, to introduce more experiments, to help them gain better understanding of physics knowledge and to cultivate their spirit of exploration.为期三周的学习,也明确了我们接下来的教学方向,希望以此为出发点,让物理成为同学们探索世界的有力助手。

  The three-week study has also made us clear about the teaching direction in the future. We will keep it in mind and we hope to make physics a powerful tool for students to explore the world.


  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝


  朗读:Jessica    吴子欣

  Roxy         黄昱榕

  Cathy        乐开心

  主编:Jane            肖   依

  总编:Gary          高   陆

来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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