第七届图书馆 体育教师课题研修班


教育装备采购网 2020-04-24 15:54 围观2659次

  截至今日,天行2020届学生共收到91份预录取通知书(含5份直录)。其中英国47份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国3份,加拿大2份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。其中包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。


  2020 is bound to be remembered by everyone, since we have rolled with the punches this year. At this moment, we are mindful of all humanity, and concerned about the pandemic around the world. As for the 2020 graduates of Teensen, they are going abroad with a whole new start in unprecedented difficulties.

  截至发稿时,天行2020届学生共收到91份预录取通知书(含5份直录)。其中英国47份,澳大利亚31份,新西兰5份,美国3份,加拿大2份,马来西亚1份,香港2份。包含牛津大学数学系面试邀请1份,帝国理工学院2份,伦敦大学学院 3份,多伦多大学1份,香港大学1份(免面试)。天行2020届20%毕业生被世界Top10名校预录取,73.3%毕业生被世界Top 30名校预录取,86.7%毕业生被世界Top 50名校预录取,100%毕业生被世界Top 100名校预录取。

  As of press time, the 2020 graduates of Teensen have received 91 conditional offers, including five offers of admission. There are 47 from Britain, 31 from Australia, five from New Zealand, three from the United States, two from Canada, one from Malaysia and two from Hong Kong, with one invitation of interview from Oxford University, two from Imperial College London, three from University College London, one from University of Toronto and one from University of Hong Kong (no interview). In 2020, 20% of the graduates of Teensen have received conditional offers from top 10 universities in the world, 73.3% by top 30 universities in the world, 86.7% by the top 50 universities in the world, and 100%by the top 60 universities in the world.              

  天行第二届毕业生,感谢你们选择这样一所四年前才成立的国际学校,天行与你们一同成长。在学生与家长的信任下,学校一直以A(ambitious雄心壮志)、B(bold勇敢无畏)、 C(caring乐于助人)、 D(devoted奉献精神)、 E(erudite博学多识),“ABCDE”这五种素养为培养目标,努力秉承“因材施教”、“开放先进”的“发展式”教育理念,为每个学生营造自然、平等、快乐、丰富的学习及成长环境,为每个学生搭建一个展示、创造、思考的发展平台;天行的教师们通过孜孜不倦地努力,让学生在课堂中感受世界,确保每个孩子都能熟练掌握我们的教育课程,为他们将来成功的大学生涯做好准备。

  For graduates in the second year, thank you for choosing such an international school established just four years ago. Teensen has grown up with you. Under the trust of students and parents, Teesen has always taken the five qualities ABCDE as its objectives, A for ambitious, B for bold, C for caring, D for devoted, and E for erudite, and has been committed to individualized teaching as well as an open and advanced education concept with development. Teensen strives to create a natural, equal, happy and rich environment for the study and growth of each student, and build a development platform for each student to show, create and think. Teachers of Teensen make great efforts to bring students the world in class, to ensure that every child could master the courses, and to help them prepare for a successful college career in the future.


  The graduates of Teensen, like thousands of students all over the world, are in need to face fierce challenges and competition. Their efforts have won the recognition of top universities all over the world, and each graduate has been admitted to the most suitable university. We are very proud of them. The honor is the result of months and even years of hard work, sweat and tears.


  Every student in Teensen has his/her own highlights. The 2020 graduates perfectly interpret the educational concept of Teensen. Everyone is a young person with independent learning awareness and love of learning, an international person with cross-cultural survival ability and good preparation for international life, and a world person with speculative spirit and innovation ability. Teensen is very proud of you. Teensen sincerely wishes every graduate all the best. Hope you go to all parts of the world with dream, gratitude, patriotism and international vision, and start a beautiful chapter in life with potential and wisdom in the following study.


  More admission data in 2020, please follow our subscription.


  撰写:Jane       肖   依

  翻译:Sydia      熊文琪

  编辑:Wendy    贾西贝

  朗读:Yolanda  刘雨其

  Roxy       黄昱榕

  主编:Johnson   张世霖

  总编:Gary        高    陆


来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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