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@RISK and DecisionTools Suite 最新版本7.6正式发布

教育装备采购网 2018-10-19 09:12 围观2392次

@RISK and DecisionTools Suite 7.6正式发布新功能介绍

@RISK and DecisionTools Suite 最新版本7.6正式发布

通过7.6版本,@ RISK和DecisionTools Suite通过与新的Excel 2019完全集成,保持在分析的最前沿。此外,显示改进和用户反馈功能为更好的版本奠定了基础。

Compatibility with Excel 2019

@RISK and the DecisionTools Suite 7.6 are fully compatible with the just-released Microsoft Excel 2019 for Windows. Excel 2019 boasts a range of improvements that you can take advantage of in your @RISK and DecisionTools models.

■ New functions (such as a series of IFS functions, a CONCAT function for concatenation, and TEXTJOIN for combining text from multiple ranges) make general modeling and data handling much easier for any modeler.

■ Improved charting and sharing capabilities will help you collaborate more effectively with other DecisionTools users.

■ PivotTables have also been improved to offer more flexible data management, search, and other and ease-of-use changes – critical for anyone modeling data in conjunction with DecisionTools software.

■ And general use features will save time for everyone!

Improved Support for Multiple Displays

New version 7.6 offers a better user experience for modelers working with multiple monitors. Many @RISK and DecisionTools users are running complex analyses, requiring several screens, often of varying sizes, aspect ratios, and even DPI settings. This can create unexpected behavior working back and forth between displays. Version 7.6 addresses many common issues associated with a variety of display settings, leading to a more robust visual experience.

@RISK and DecisionTools Suite 最新版本7.6正式发布

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