第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2019-12-03 16:03 围观822次


  梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗?—— 丁尼生

  As long as the dream can last, it can become a reality.Don't we live in our dreams? -- Tennyson


  Everyone has to do a lot of multiple choices during their life,I can enter teensen is my luck,it is also a kind of happiness,Kitty told us.


  After the high school entrance examination,Kitty faced the first intersection during her life which is without any help and instructions--select a school.She is very clear that school selection this time may be the most important choices of her,behind this crossroad it contains infinite possibilities,but it's also unknown.After long deliberation,she chose her childhood dream of studying abroad.



  A life full of choices requires careful weighing.A life full of choices requires everyone's careful weighing,she said.


  Kitty's parents are worried and hopeful about her final choice,as she made it all on her own.Kitty has already pretty sensible she knows that her future should be decided by herself, rather than letting her parents help her make decisions to be a obedient marionette. After to know about Kitty's final decision, her parents  supported  her unconditionally and became the strongest support behind her daughter.


  As for why she finally chose Teensen, Kitty also struggled for a long time. Do you want to continue to go to high school in a system you are used to, or do you want to choose a challenging international high school? This problem makes Kitty, who usually has excellent sleep quality, bored and confused. Before making the final decision, she participated in the English speech debate camp which was held in the summer vacation of teensen . It was this activity that made her determine her idea of coming to teensen. "This debate camp has given me too much impact force. I'm eager to have a fierce battle of tongue with my opponents in the debate arena and persuade everyone with my own point of view. " When she said this, her eyes showed a desire for speech and debate. It was the summer camp that planted a small seed in her heart. After the school began, Kitty volunteered to set up the speech and debate corporation and assume the office of president of that corporation.



  Open-minded and democratic parents make Kitty's character staunch and independent. During the whole military training, she didn't say hard or tired. The hot sun made people can't lift their heads. Even though she was full of sweat, Kitty still insisted. This makes every instructor praise her, many students praised her earnest. In the interview, she talked about military training: "no one likes military training. They are so tired so they sweat all over, but this is also a good opportunity to prove themselves. Now there are still many people think that girls are more delicate than boys in physical strength and perseverance. I don't agree with this statement. It's a typical sexism. I hope I can start from every trifle of my life and change this outdated view bit by bit. "


  When asked how she studied in Teensen , her face was full of smiles. She is very fond of the learning atmosphere here: "from primary school to junior high school, I may have a good relationship with my classmates at most time . I never thought that  the relationship with my teachers could be so harmonious. In Teensen students and teachers are not only teachers and students, but also friends. Every time there are any problems in learning, teachers can be found at any time. The whole process are very relaxed and happy. Teachers are not as serious as teachers in traditional school. Although the learning pressure is still great, the learning process has become much more interesting so the motivation for learning has also been much more. Learning should not be just an one-sided input. In ordinary high schools, teachers usually teach alone in the classroom, students' feedback and interaction are very rare. When I was in junior high school, I was tired of this mode and couldn't rouse myself in class, so I would expect to have a teacher who can have a good relationship with me. I didn't expect that in Teensen , every teacher can maintain a very friendly relationship with us. "


  In terms of dormitory, Kitty is also very satisfied. "The dormitory teachers are very good to us, and the dormitory environment is also very gorgeous. I am a homesick person, so I decorate my dormitory very softy and sweat, and I have a good relationship with my roommates. When we should study, we all study hard, but when we should relax, it is still very interesting. I thought life in the dormitory would disappoint me, but I didn't expect I can be so happy, it is just like at home. "


  "What will happen in the future? I don't know. This question can only be answered by time, and I just need to choose the way I like and belong to my unique at every intersection " I hope Kitty can keep this kind of state in the three years of Teensen and get her ideal university!

  撰写:Fernando 程天康

  摄影:Michael 邱宇

  Jack 方晨

  编辑:Wendy 贾西贝

  翻译:Annie 胡昕嫄

  朗读:Cathy 乐开心

  主编:Jane 肖依

  总编:Gary 高陆


来源:天行中文 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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