第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2019-12-30 20:22 围观985次


  What is the international school that Nanchang parents yearn for? What are the characteristics of Teensen? What kind of economics demo class will be brought by student? What is the interview at Oxford University, a top institution, and how to prepare for it? Three years in international school , how to plan positioning and realize personalized development? On today's open day, all your questions about Teensen will be answered. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the open day of Teensen was held in the new campus. Hundreds of students and parents came into Teensen with a vision and carried out a short distance exploration activity. The atmosphere was warm and full of seats.


  Now please follow the editor to the scene.


  Although the weather is cold, the scene is still hot.


  Host by Sunshine, vice president of Teensen.


  In 15 minutes, Richard, an excellent student, tells you about "what is economics", from the perspective of students to introduce economics, why to study economics and what to learn about economics. In this special economic demo class, the parents and students here listen carefully and record in time.


  Seeing this, you may find it strange why high school students also study economics? This is the characteristic of the A-level international course adopted by Teensen. In dozens of courses, students can freely choose four to five courses. Chinese students have a good foundation in science, and mathematics, physics and chemistry are often strong points of our students. Although economics belongs to the liberal arts system, many mathematical analysis models are used, and Chinese students often learn better.


  Teensen now offers the courses of mathematics, chemistry, economics, business and other advantage course, which can let students give full play to their learning advantages and combine their personal preferences to choose courses. For this reason, whether students like science or arts, they can find their own favorite and suitable courses in Teensen, and finally ensure that they can obtain good academic performance and apply to world famous schools.


  Alan, just returned from the interview in the Mathematics Department of Oxford University. At the meeting, he shared the contents of the interview, how to get the interview invitation and how to prepare for it. The hot interview experience ignited the confidence of the students and their parents to attack the top universities such as Oxford and Cambridge.


  Dr. Jeremy, mathematics teacher of Alan, analyzed the current situation of Cambridge and Oxford offer in international schools in mainland China, and commented on the efforts of Jiangxi International School to win Cambridge and Oxford offer. Finally, Dr. Jeremy focused on how the school to train Alan in the school, which aroused the resonance and reflection of many parents.

  陶娟娟 Vivian副校长以“如何撬动学生个性发展”为主题,通过分享赵子涵、李宇松等同学的案例,深入介绍天行的八大职业小组,剖析升学指导处如何帮助学生们进行自我认知、人-职-校匹配以及最后的学校申请,向大家生动地展现了天行一中的升学规划。

  Vivian, vice president of Teensen, takes "how to motivate students' personality development" as the theme. By sharing the cases of Eric Steve and other students, she deeply introduces the eight professional groups of Teensen, analyzes how the entrance guidance office helps students to carry out self-awareness, person job school matching and the final school application, and vividly presents the entrance planning of Teensen.


  In addition, Mr. Li Jinpeng, the father of Leo in Class two Grade ten in Teensen, shared with you all kinds of gratifying changes after entering the spring class of Teensen from the perspective of parents.


  Dr. Yue, head of Academic Affairs Office of Teensen, Mr. Zero , head of Sino American class, and Shmily, a 2019 graduate, introduced the A-level course, the role of A-level in applying to the United States, and the teacher team to help parents and students understand Teensen in all aspects.


  In the end, Sunshine, vice principal of Teensen, introduced the scholarship system of Teensen , the reason why students are enrolled in the spring class and what kind of students are needed in the spring class.


  The introduction here are in full swing, and the entrance test for students there is also in an orderly way.




  A parent who came to the Yuxin told us: "this is the second time for us to participate in the Teensen’s open day. After the whole process of participating in the open day, we have an extra choice, and we have more understanding of international education and Teensen. We are very excited. For us, Teensen provides a new educational concept. In particular, we have heard Leo's father's journey of choosing Teensen of thinking, and we feel the entanglements and worries that he has experienced in the important choice. "


  I hope you can overcome all difficulties and win, and continue to write the story of Teensen with us.


  If you have any unanswered questions


  If you are sorry to fail to attend the meeting


  Please pay attention to the open day held on January 12 in Teensen


  At that time, we will share the story of Teensen with you again

  撰写:Jane          肖   依

  摄影:Jack          方   晨

  编辑:Mary          徐文轩

  翻译:Vivian         肖   赟

  朗读:Anna          易柯帆

  Blueberry    蒋佳颖  

  主编:Jane           肖    依

  总编:Gary           高   陆


来源:热点新闻 责任编辑:张肖 我要投稿



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