第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2020-03-18 13:18 围观1632次


  A sudden epidemic has put off the pace of the world. In this spring, even the teaching method has changed, and teachers have become online celebrities overnight. Also affected by the epidemic, schools have postponed their open days and examinations.


  However, Teensen has never stopped developing. The number of Conditional Offers of graduates in 2020 has been increasing. Up to March 15, 2020, 15 students  have received 81 Conditional Offers from top institutions worldwide, such as Imperial College London, University College London, University of Manchester, King’s College London, The University of Melbourne, The University of Hong Kong, University of Toronto, etc. Among them, two offers of  Imperial College London are received at the same time, the offer of The University of Hong Kong is interview-free, Liu Yizheng is invited to the interview of Mathematics in Oxford University, Wan Wenjie has received the offer of admission from the University of Toronto. Teensen No.1High School has achieved the best results among international high schools in Jiangxi so far.


  However, Teensen has never stopped developing. The new campus in Teensen, a 150-mu landscape campus located in Meiling National Forest Park, has been designed completely during the Spring Festival and will be fully completed on May 15.


  但天行一中没有一天停止自己发展的脚步,每天,天行招生部老师依然战斗在工作一线,接受家长的咨询。“什么时候可以了解校园?”“天行一中的课程体系是什么?”“春季插班现在还来得及吗?”“秋季招生计划有新的调整吗?”... ...这些问题,招生部老师每天要回答很多很多遍。甚至有许多家长按捺不住好奇之心,就已经前往新校园去探个究竟,站在风景如画的校园里,心里想像着今年秋天开学的模样。

  However, Teensen has never stopped developing. Teachers in department of admission have been hardworking everyday, receiving consultations from parents. “When could we get to know the new campus?” “What is the curriculum system in Teensen?” “Is it too late for students to transfer in spring?” “Is there any updates in autumn enrollment plan?” The teachers in department of admission would answer many times every day. Many parents can't help being curious, they even have already gone to the new campus to find out. Standing in the beautiful campus, they start to imagine the term in this autumn.



  We know the growth of children is a journey that cannot be turned back, and there are certainly a lot of consultation and thoughtful consideration behind each decision of schools. Although limited by the epidemic, parents and students are unable to experience the atmosphere of opening and internationalization in Teensen, Teensen is scheduled to hold the Online Campus Open Day at 19:00 on March 20 (this Friday) before the restart of campus, in order to answer admission questions as much as possible and alleviate the anxiety of school selection under the influence of the epidemic. Teensen will be introduced in a different way. The network technology could still help parents perfectly realize the online exploration school deeply and emerge each step of Teensen’s development that will never stop.



  Just one screen away from you. The two vice principals of Teensen No.1High School, who are responsible for the guidance and enrollment, will talk about the advanced education concepts and specific implementation methods of international education, and discuss with you all aspects of children's growth that need attention. At the same time, the principals will lead the parents to know the unique advantages of Teensen No.1High School, and explain the charm of A-level course to the parents in detail.


  What you want to know, it's all here, including the education concepts, teachers, curriculum, entrance guidance, campus life, learning atmosphere, personality guidance and research activities of Teensen No.1High School. In addition, many parents concern that how children leveled in the second tier universities to counterattack.


  By eliminating the psychological barriers of going out during epidemic, parents can listen to the professional guidance of two principals at home with no distance, and savor a profound and simple education thoughts online.

即时在线 一对一答疑


  In the Online Campus Open Day, there is still a special Q&A session for enrollment. You can consult us about your enrollment issues. We will arrange one-to-one online consultations for you. When the epidemic is over, we will provide you the priority of campus visits.








  撰写:Jane         肖   依

  Jacky        邬豆豆

  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

  翻译:Sydia        熊文琪

  朗读:Cathy        乐开心

  Irene        巫倩宇

  主编:Jane           肖    依

  总编:Gary         高    陆


来源:天行一中 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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