第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2019-11-21 09:00 围观1214次















  From November 11 to November 15, Ms. Tao JUANJUAN, vice principal of Teensen , and Mr. Zhang Jianjian, teacher of the entrance guidance office, made a wonderful journey to explore famous schools in Singapore. Their footprints are all over seven universities in Singapore. They explore the school on the spot, feel the atmosphere of the school and get the latest information about their entrance. In fact, this is only one of the daily work of Teensen.



  Professional and reliable evaluation and data analysis, lively and interesting career planning courses, heart-to-heart interviews, high-quality application documents, a private customized enrollment plan... Evaluation and analysis, one-to-one guidance, planning, screening and adjustment are the normal work of every teacher in the enrollment guidance office of Teensen.



  In order to guide each student's individualized enrollment planning, it requires in-depth and detailed research and understanding of the students. Otherwise, how can those uniform application materials move the critical admissions officers in the cruel competition? The enrollment guidance teachers of Teensen are good at understanding students.


  Every student in Teensen began to enjoy the service of university entrance planning from the moment they stepped into the school. The entrance guidance center systematically evaluates the students' ability and interest, personality characteristics, time management, development potential and other aspects with the help of professional career evaluation system Kuder, which are the basis for the entrance guidance teachers to tailor personalized entrance plans for each student. With specific data as support, provide one-to-one career guidance for students to help them understand themselves, and find themselves more clearly.



  The office of the entrance guidance office is located downstairs of the teaching area. The door of the office is open to the students at any time. Any questions can be consulted. The two classes and one-to-one interviews every week enable the teachers and students to have direct and zero distance communication, interaction and observation, and naturally deepen the understanding of the teachers and students.






  The tutors pay attention to every aspect of their work and get the latest news from students. And through the communication with the head teacher and the teacher in charge of the class, we can understand and track the students' learning and living conditions in real time, master the students' learning achievements and psychological state in a timely and comprehensive way, and then we will make personalized adjustment to the enrollment plan according to the students' learning achievements and psychological state in each stage.


  As the saying goes, it's better to know a son than a parent. Every semester, the tutor will have an interview with the parents of the students for 1-3 hours, and keep in touch with the parents in real time during the work. Through communication with parents, ask and understand students' personality characteristics, growth experience, life details, parents' expectations for children and future planning, etc. After learning about the parents' demands, combined with other aspects of information, we will formulate the students' exclusive enrollment plan.


  It is precisely because of such meticulous and thoughtful work that the teachers of Teensen become people who know students better than students.

三年精雕细琢 璞玉变精品


  The University's entrance guidance is more conducive to students' entrance planning, and can ensure students' academic integrity. The entrance guidance office of Teensen is equipped with 4 entrance guidance teachers, each of whom has more than 8 years' working experience. They are appropriately described as "senior and professional". With their help, the first graduates of Teensen successfully entered London University College, Edinburgh University, Manchester University, Sydney University, Monash University Malaysia, Stony Brook University of New York State University, Royal Melbourne University of technology, London University of art and other top 100 universities in the world. Teensen students, who are supported by such a high-quality entrance team, are like a piece of uncut jade when they apply. The entrance instructor has devoted three years of painstaking efforts to make it into a "masterpiece".


  第一年:生涯唤醒 完成自我认知


  The first year,the tutor of entering school preliminarily understood the students' interest and future major and college choice through PST (parent teacher student) interview. In two career classes every week, students find their abilities, interests, potentials, values and explore their favorite majors in self inquiry class. In addition, through the opening of psychological education classes to help students learn to resist pressure, time and emotion management. After the students initially choose the specialty to come to the school, based on the students' interests, eight vocational regulation groups are established, which are business, engineering, media, it, education, art, mathematics and biochemistry. The entrance guidance office will carefully arrange no less than 6 internships for students in three years, so that students can understand the real occupation, working environment, work content, work process, skills to be mastered, salary level, etc., and truly integrate theory with practice.



  第二年:高校探索 进行人—职—校匹配


  The second year,the guidance teachers will focus on helping students to match people, jobs and schools. Teachers of Teensen adhere to the principle of "go out, please come in". Every semester, they will explore the world-famous schools on the spot, communicate with the admissions officers and counselors of the world-famous schools on the latest enrollment policies, enrollment requirements, enrollment trends, etc., and bring back the freshest promotion products of Quanwei. In addition, the teachers of the entrance guidance office will invite the admissions officers of foreign famous schools to come to the school and give lectures, and conduct face-to-face exchanges, so that students can obtain the most official and authoritative application guidance of famous schools. What's more, the tutor will guide the students to understand the official website resources of foreign universities, the specific admission requirements and curriculum settings of each department, so as to make them better prepared for studying abroad. And help students to plan according to these requirements, such as upgrading activities according to personal conditions, urging students to carry out standardized sprints, and really achieving the goal of cultivating students is what world famous schools want.







  The third year is the most critical period for applying to the University, that is, to show the final "finished product" to the admissions officers, which is the most time to test the entrance guidance teachers. The entrance teacher not only needs to guide students to write and modify documents, write recommendation letters, guide students' schools, submit application materials, etc., but also needs to guide students to prepare visa application materials, conduct visa application interview training, submit visa application and other follow-up matters after students receive official offers.


  Comprehensive test and analysis+one-to-one enrollment interview +full enrollment planning+personalized activity uidance+professional guidance for enrollment, the guidance teachers have no details and strategize, fully reflecting the "craftsman spirit" of the guidance teachers. It is in this spirit that the first graduates of Teensen are not only admitted to the top 100 schools in the world, but also seven of them are admitted to multiple schools with reduced scores. With excellent A-level courses, powerful teachers, high-quality hardware facilities, supported by the professional and excellent elite team of the entrance guidance office,  Teensen is bound to get better on the international education road and help more students realize the dream of world famous schools.

  撰写:Jane 肖依

  摄影:Jack 方晨

  编辑:Jane 肖依

  翻译:Shmily 邓莹

  朗读:George 汤俊洋

  主编:Jane 肖依

  总编:Gary 高陆


来源:天行中文 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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