第七届图书馆 体育培训


教育装备采购网 2020-07-13 13:17 围观818次






  The teacher who imparts knowledge is easy to encounter,but the teacher who imparts both knowledge and morality is hard to find.The teacher is a gardenerwho trims the branches and leaves to add beauty to the mountains and rivers of the motherland;Teacher, it's rain of Spring, nourishes peaches and plums , and spreads the land of country with flowers.Addition, subtraction,multiplication and division are not enough for your contribution;The poems and verses can't paying sufficient homage to you either.


  In order to show respect to teachers, create a good atmosphere of honoring teachers and teaching, and demonstrate the responsibility of Teensen Genesis School, the school decided to implement preferential policies such as tuition reduction and exemption for the children of teachers in the whole society.


  If you are a teacher of Teensen: any teacher who joins Teensen before August 2020 and whose children are enrolled in our school's elementary, junior high, senior high school and international high school, priority is given to enrollment, and tuition is free.


  If you are a traditional teacher: Children of excellent teachers who meet the conditions and intend to study at our school will be given priority to study at the same conditions, with 30% off tuition fees.


  If you are a transfer student: Teensen Genesis School will open the “Teensen Class” in the second, third, fourth grade in elementary school and second grade of junior high school for the convenience of of teachers. If the child's parents are teachers, medical staff, or soldiers, we will also prioritize the placement, assist with the transfer procedures and school registration, and give 30% off tuition fees.


  The teacher of educating people, the doctor of helping the world and the army of protecting the country are the cutest people in the new era! Please give your child to us, you can work with peace of mind! Teensen people who are "dedicated, refined, and happy with their job" will strive to create a good quality of "diligent, adepting at learning, excellent learning" for children. Let us go forward hand in hand to create a better future!


  撰写:Jane        肖   依

  编辑:Wendy      贾西贝

  翻译:Elena        王   琴

  视频:Leo           罗   睿  

  朗读:  Mia           闵熙若     

  Lucas       高旭东

  主编:Jane        肖   依

  总编:Johnson  张世霖

  —Power by Teensen Media—


来源:天行中文 责任编辑:阳光 我要投稿



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